Developer vs Good Developer

Ahmer Patel
2 min readMay 24, 2021


Nobody wants to continue a project with horrible or messy code. Sometimes developers avoid writing clean code due to deadline pressure. They rush to go faster but what happens actually is they end up with going slower. It creates more bugs which they need to fix later going back on the same piece of code.

Writing clean, understandable, and maintainable code is a skill that is crucial for every developer to master.

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” — Martin Fowler

There’s probably a chance you came across a certain block of code that looked like someone had a fight on a keyboard while the text editor was open. Messy syntax, unclear variable definitions, and jumbled, cramped code can be a pain to read.

As a programmer you should treating good programming practices as a form of art. The job of the “Good Developer” is to write good code, but you can’t write good code if you don’t know what good code looks like. Reading code will help you quickly find other developers’ mistakes too and this helps a lot if you do code review or pair programming. Stop using third party libraries blindly , there is no restriction for any developer to use third party library , but Most developers blindly use third party libraries without touching the source code. This is okay to do, but to understand how that particular library can help, you need to dig in deeper and read its source code.

Remember that you are responsible for the quality of your code so make your program good enough so that other developers can understand and they don’t mock you every time to understand the ugly code you wrote in your project. Keep your functions small , give proper naming to your variables ,code should be readable, Clean code should be elegant, Clean code should be simple and easy to understand, easy to change and easy to taken care of, Clean code should run all the tests and many more .

Spending some time and learning to keep your code neat, concise, and easy to read is well worth it. Sometimes it can just flow as you’re coding and thinking at the same time, but nothing stops you from going back and cleaning it up once the code works.

— The Golden Blogger.



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